Monday, October 12, 2009

B(bbbrrrrrrr)CAR 2009

Well, well, well. I woke up at 6:30a.m. on Saturday and looked outside. Then I got back in bed. Snow, lots and lots of snow. Of course this would be the case, given the BCAR was scheduled to take off that day at 10a.m.!! After a few minutes of a self-delivered pep talk, I headed up and out to set up for the ride.
That's when the calls and texts started pouring in. "Snow?! Is this thing still happening?" "There's no way we're riding, right?!" "What's the reschedule date?" And, my consistent, yet unbelievable response was, "Yup, ride's on. See you out there! Bring your parka!" And, miraculously, ride we did!
Chris, Andy, an myself were the first ones out there. We first had to strategically park the Sprinter Van to serve as a snow/wind block. Then the two tents were set up as well as, most importantly, our fire pit! That ended up being a life (or at least toe) saver!
Slowly but surely, people started showing up. I couldn't believe it! I ended up sending Chris and Andy out on their bikes to do a quick recon of the course. They got out about a mile or so and turned around. Upon their arrival all they could talk about is how bad of an idea this ride was. "I can't feel my toes or fingers!" "My drivetrain is frozen!" "My brakes are frozen!" Hmmmm. At this point I debated whether or not to just call the ride. But, the riders just kept coming! And, so did channel 6 with a camera! I got a quick interview out of the way and then took a poll from the riders. My option for them was: either not to ride at all, or enjoy a quick out and back shortened trip towards Big Lake guided by Chris and Andy. And, sure enough, ride they did!
There were about 25 riders overall and another handful of supporters who registered but decided not to ride. I was pretty happy with the turnout, considering the weather!
Thanks sooooo much to all of you who volunteered and rode for this great cause!

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